Pushkin Museum at the conference "Storing and restoring archaeological artefacts"

On September 14-15, 2022, the State Vladimir and Suzdal Museum Reserve hosted the All-Russian Research and Practice Conference "Storing and restoring archaeological artefacts". The conference was attended by over 50 specialists from leading scientific, conservation and museum institutions from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Pskov, Sevastopol, Sviyazhsk and Tanais.

The conference featured 34 reports on the restoration, conservation, storage and display of archaeological objects and collections made from different materials - textiles, wood, leather, bone, and metal - and on issues of preservation and museumification of archaeological objects. Some of the reports were focused on the restoration and problems of displaying objects found at the Sungir Upper Paleolithic site near Vladimir.

Igor Borodin and Oleg Sinitsyn represented the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts at the conference with their reports "Examination and Restoration of an Egyptian burial shroud from the 2nd century A.D. from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts" and "Restoring marble damaged by fire during the Second World War” respectively.