This article presents the results of the research of Titian Vechellio's (1488/90-1576) painting "Ecce Homo", from the Venetian master's late period. The study of the painting was carried out during its latest restoration; the piece was severely damaged after it was stolen from the museum in 1927. For a long time, Titian's work was kept in the museum's storage after its initial conservation and was not available to the public. For almost a century, its existence was known only to specialists from old catalogues. Radiography, studies in reflected infrared rays, as well as a number of optical and physical-chemical studies of the paint layer revealed previously unknown facts of the history of its creation. In particular, the radiography revealed a man's portrait painted by Titian several decades earlier. Physical and chemical studies of the paint layer gave a detailed picture of the master's palette in different periods of his life.
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